Apps & Workspaces
Workspaces - Tile configuration

Workspaces - Tile configuration

After creating our Tile we need to configure it. Configuring the Tile involves selecting the Data Source that the Tile will use, and setting up how that data will look on the Tile. We will cover of each stage in this section.

Tile Configuration (Data Bindings) Overview

Every tile has the following configuration sections (data bindings):

• Properties

• Data Source

• Tile Setup

Using these three sections we can configure every tile in the workspace library.


Getting some Data for tile

Get data using pre-made query function.

Workspaces is still being developed, beautiful abstractions are coming, but for now we need to use these functions to grab data.

Think of most of these like Excel Pivot tables. We have a couple of parameters we want to filter and group (aggregate) by, and we want to see either live data or historical data.

The process we went through is the same process needed to set up any tile from our library. Please see Walkthrough for a full example of setting up a basic workspace.

This is some text inside of a div block.